Elevating your Insurance Submissions: Strategies for Brokers

Elevating your Insurance Submissions: Strategies for Brokers

In the nuanced world of property insurance, the effectiveness of a broker's submission can profoundly influence the underwriting decision-making process. Achieving faster and more favourable responses from underwriters requires more than just comprehensive documentation—it demands strategic communication and meticulous presentation of information. This guide offers key insights for insurance brokers on refining their approach to submissions, prioritising direct communication and detailed documentation to enhance outcomes.

The Role of Direct Communication

Initiating the submission process with a phone call to the underwriter sets a proactive and collaborative foundation. This conversation is an opportunity to confirm the risk's alignment with the underwriter's appetite, discuss pricing expectations, and outline the timeline. Establishing this direct line of communication early on not only clarifies the submission's context, but also builds a rapport that can streamline the entire underwriting process.

Detailed and Comprehensive Slips

Following the initial phone call, the submission of a detailed and comprehensive slip becomes crucial. This document should encapsulate essential information such as construction details, the nature of occupancy, implemented fire and burglary protection measures, and accurate valuations. Incorporating a five-year claims history, with emphasis on significant losses and the measures taken to mitigate future risks, further enriches the submission. Such thoroughness ensures that underwriters have a clear and complete understanding of the risk profile.

Importance of Accurate and Updated Valuations

The precision of building valuations and coverage figures is paramount in insurance submissions. Accurate and current valuations not only facilitate proper risk assessment but also underscore the broker's diligence in representing the risk. This accuracy supports the underwriter in providing coverage that is both appropriate and competitive.

Emphasising Post-Claim Risk Mitigation

Submissions that detail efforts to mitigate risk post-claim reflect a proactive approach to risk management. Whether through enhanced security protocols, structural improvements, or operational adjustments, these measures demonstrate a commitment to reducing future risks, which is a positive indicator for underwriters.

The Value of Risk Surveys and Recommendations

Incorporating risk surveys and recommendations, particularly for complex risks, significantly augments the depth of a submission. These insights offer underwriters a detailed perspective on the risk's nuances and the proactive steps taken to mitigate them, facilitating a more informed evaluation.

Transparent Presentation of Potential Issues

Transparency about any issues or challenges with the account is essential for fostering trust and understanding between brokers and underwriters. By presenting these concerns upfront, brokers can avoid potential misunderstandings and facilitate a more efficient negotiation and underwriting process.